Melvin Jones
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Eyeglass Recycling

Location of Eyeglass Collection Boxes

Members of the Classic City Lions Club place collection boxes for used eyeglasses in eyeglass clinics and other offices around town. These boxes are checked periodically and the thousands of eyeglasses collected are transferred to the Georgia Lions Lighthouse for processing and distribution.  During the first six months of 2016; 700 pairs regular glasses, 100 pairs prescription sun glasses, and 300 pairs of non-prescription sun glasses were donated. 

The Club also collects cell phones and hearing aids; these can be placed in the glass collection boxes.

Miscellaneous Activities
The Classic City Lions participate in various other charitable activities. Some participated in the building of a room for a hot tub for a blind and paralyzed child who needs warm-water physical therapy.



Our Daily Bread



Until the current health crisis our Club provided breakfast at Our Daily Bread on the second and  forth Tuesdays of each month for several years.  We anticipate resuming resuming as soon as possible.


Due to the pandemic only grab and go lunches are provided.


Food Bank of Northeast Georgia


Half of the Tail Twister's receipts are sent to the  Food Bank of Northeast Georgia each month.

Mercy Health Center

The Georgia Lions Lighthouse operates vision clinics across Georgia for eye exams and to provide eyeglasses for the financially needy and uninsured. They depend on resources provided by Lions Clubs and other sources, as well as, the volunteer services of eye physicians. Vision clinics are held at the Mercy Health Center, 700 Oglethorpe Ave. Suite C7, Athens, GA 30606, once each month. The Classic City Lions Club has provides volunteers in alternate months to help with initial steps of eye exams, record keeping, and selection of eyeglass styles and fit.

Great Southeast Pollinator Census

The Great Southeast Pollinator Census is a citizen science project created by the University of Georgia. This project is designed for everyone to participate counting pollinators and make a difference for pollination conservation.  See there website at https://gsepc.org/

I Counted Sticker